Community Photo Gallery

SERVPRO of Germantown Serves Lunch
SERVPRO of Germantown serves lunch to Firehouse Bingo attendees.

SERVPRO of Germantown Goes Golfing
SERVPRO of Germantown gives out soft pretzels and other goodies during a golf outing.

SERVPRO of Germantown Trunk or Treats
SERVPRO of Germantown attends Trunk or Treat.

Quakertown and Richland Township Police Department's, 2019 Bike Rodeo
These bikes were donated by a local Walmart for children in the community. In order to obtain these bikes, each child had to go through a series of fun, competition courses that allowed them to be judged and scored based on their performance.
There many happy kids riding around on their bikes, learning about bike safety and the importance of using signals when on roadways!

PASBO 62nd Annual Conference!
Supporting School Officials
SERVPRO of Germantown was represented at this year's annual PASBO conference all the way in Pittsburgh! The Pennsylvania SERVPRO team networked with school board officials from all across the state.

Fall Festival
Autumn Alive!
SERVPRO of Germantown values a strong relationship with their local community. AutumnAlive! was a fun, fall festival that we participated in!